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~ Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~
~ Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart. ~

Your Softness

Original price $12.50 - Original price $12.50
Original price
$12.50 - $12.50
Current price $12.50

Journal Quote Series -

Your softness
does not limit
your Strength ~

This stamp is inspired by ancient Chinese wisdom and philosophy of the Way of the Tao: humility, harmony and openness.

Be soft like water.

“The supreme goodness is like water.
It benefits all things without contention.
In dwelling, it stays grounded.
In being, it flows to depths.
In expression, it is honest.
In confrontation, it stays gentle.
In governance, it does not control.
In action, it aligns to timing.
It is content with its nature and therefore cannot be faulted.”
~ Lao-Tzo, The Tao Te Ching


Raymond Tang (TED talk) discusses the nature of water, drawing out three useful lessons that have been known to the Chinese for millennia.

The first lesson is about humility, and he notes the lowly, yet supportive nature of water as a life-giving force.

“If we think about water flowing in a river, it is always staying low. It helps all the plants grow and keeps all the animals alive. It doesn’t actually draw any attention to itself, nor does it need any reward or recognition. It is humble. But without water’s humble contribution, life as we know it may not exist.”

Secondly, he draws out the lesson of harmony, and how water always achieves it’s aim effortlessly in spite of any obstacles along its path.

“If we think about water flowing towards a rock, it will just flow around it. It doesn’t get upset, it doesn’t get angry, it doesn’t get agitated. In fact, it doesn’t feel much at all. When faced with an obstacle, somehow water finds a solution, without force, without conflict.”


Size: 20 x 30 mm

Our classic white top wood.

Made in Japan